By S.A. Hussaini
We hardly say what we mean and mean what we say! In our constant struggle to be politically correct, we end up fighting the wrong battles at work.
Coaching is about behavioural change and it has to be self-driven, when we approach the topic of improving performance of individuals we need to consider the hidden and underlying emotions, motivations, fears and desires.
According to ABC (Antecedent, Behavior and Consequence) model of Applied Behavioural Analysis, the repetition or withdrawal of a behaviour is related to the consequence of display of that behaviour. What we also need to consider is the history of this behaviour and what were the consequences in the past when it was displayed. This sometimes is not asked or expressed clearly or even discussed in a coaching session.
Our ability to change and adapt to new behaviours depend on the way we think and perceive our reality, as per Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, what we think affects the way we feel and what we feel affects the way we behave. So to improve a behaviour we need to understand the spoken as well as covert thinking.
Also, Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy tells us that we are constantly plagued by irrational beliefs and thoughts which affect our behaviour. These thoughts and irrational beliefs have to be questioned and replaced by new thoughts which will eventually lead to improved behaviours.
Therefore in order to coach well we need to understand the human mind and motivations else we are just hitting the arrows in the dark!
Be more effective human change agents.
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